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Hier zeige ich Euch meinen genialen Dateimanager Servant Salamander von Altap.
Dieses ist Version 2.5 vom 01.06.2003.

Die 2.5er soll es auch in Deutsch geben.
Sie kostet 20 Dollar und ist für registrierte 2.0 Kunden kostenlos :-)

Günstige Sammelbestellung über ComputerDienst 24 ist möglich.

Das meiste kann schon die alte Freeware Version 1.52 (siehe Beschreibung hier)

Doch Servant Salamander 2.5 ist das ultimative Tool für PowerUser.
Ein Dateimanager der Extraklasse.
Und einer der günstigsten ($20, kann man sich auf der Altap Seite in Euro umrechnen lassen.)
Wenn man gleich mehrere Lizenz kauft, wird es noch billiger.
Sammelbestellung über ComputerDienst24 ist möglich. (
eMail genügt)


Hier das Ergebnis des Vergleiches der beiden Verzeichnisse:








Haben Sie diese Seite über eine Suchmaschiene gefunden, kommen Sie hier zurück zur Startseite des Servant Salamander Berichtes.  ComputerDienst für Grünstadt und Umgebung




Welcome to Servant Salamander 2.5 beta 1 - Released 5/31/2003
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 ALTAP, Ltd.

Table of Contents:



  What's New


  Bug Reporting




  To obtain a copy of Servant Salamander, download the self-extracting

  executable file into a temporary directory. To start the installation

  process, execute the self-extracting file.



  This version of Servant Salamander requires Windows 95, Windows 98,

  Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP or later. Some

  optional features (some archivers) require external programs.


  Servant Salamander uses HTML Help, which requires Internet Explorer 4.0

  to be installed on your computer. HTML Help does not require that you use

  Internet Explorer as your default browser.


What's New:

  -operations Copy, Move, Delete, and others are running at background,

   the main window is not blocked

  -you can view thumbnails (reduced pictures, etc.) in panel

  -Compare Directories can compare content of files and works with


  -PictView plugin supports Full Screen mode, can open next/previous

   picture, can save picture to GIF, JPG, and other formats, has support

   for scanners

  -File Comparator plugin for text/binary files compare (2 files are side

   by side)

  -Find contains Refine (search in files that were found previously),

   Append (add to found files), Find Duplicate Files, and has more powerful

   Advanced options

  -Registry Editor plugin for browsing of Windows Registry in panel

  -Split/Combine plugin for splitting and combining of files

  -FTP Search plugin for files searching on public FTP servers

  -Database Viewer plugin for DBF and CSV (Comma Separated Values) files

  -TAR plugin now supports: TAR, TGZ, TAZ, TBZ, GZ, BZ, BZ2, Z, RPM, and CPIO

  -viewing and searching in files with size over 4 GB

  -UnMIME plugin supports MIME, UUEncode, XXEncode, and BinHex encoded files

  -UnLHA plugin supports LHA/LZH archives



  Visit ALTAP homepage:


Bug Reporting:

  Submit bugs and other feedback using command Help/Technical Support.

  We want to thank very much to all beta testers for their professional

  help with all previous Servant Salamander beta versions.



  ALTAP Home Page:


  Sales Contact:


    phone/fax: +420 487 725 132


  Suggestions, Questions, and Comments:



  We do our best to reply to your e-mails in less than 48 hours.


  Postal Address:

    ALTAP, spol. s r.o.

    Smetanova 356

    Novy Bor, 473 01

    Czech Republic